Promise to Practice
November 15, 2018
In The 74, Carolyn Phenicie provides an overview of Promise to Practice—the latest iteration of the Collaborative for Student Success’ Check State Plans initiative, done in partnership with HCM Strategists. ”Now that all state plans to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act have been approved, it’s on to the next—and potentially trickier—step: identifying chronically underperforming schools and working to improve outcomes for the primarily low-income children and students of color who attend them,” she writes. “Some states, though, are falling short of making real change, according to a new analysis.” Phenicie reports that fewer than half of the 17 states that were reviewed “promote equity as a clear focus” in their school improvement plans, “only two require districts to show how they’ll address the achievement gap, and just four ask districts to tackle inequitable distribution of key resources.”