Education Week to Host Online ESSA Summit Today | Understanding ESSA

Education Week to Host Online ESSA Summit Today

Education Week to Host Online ESSA Summit Today

May 13, 2019

Today from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET, Education Week will host an online summit that will take a “deep dive” into ESSA and give participants “a unique opportunity to directly interact with reporters and experts about implementation of the nation’s marquee K-12 law.” The summit will examine “how states and districts are using ESSA to transform and customize their education systems, in line with the federal K-12 law’s grant of greater autonomy and the guardrails it lays down for quality and accountability.” Keying off of the law’s specific measures, Education Week reporters and other experts will answer questions and guide this online discussion in “specialized booths focusing on how the law’s implementation affects” a variety of issues.