For Schools Receiving COVID-19 Relief Funds, Flexibility is Key | Understanding ESSA

For Schools Receiving COVID-19 Relief Funds, Flexibility is Key

For Schools Receiving COVID-19 Relief Funds, Flexibility is Key

May 22, 2020

In a piece published by the Brookings Instition, Sarah Reber and Nora Gordon argue for as much flexibility as possible for states to allocate COVID-19 relief funding for K-12 schools. The authors assert that sending “most federal aid to states and school districts through a fiscal stabilization fund, rather than through expansions to existing federal programs, is the best way” to help schools serve students’ needs most effectively, especially to “protect the most vulnerable students.” Ultimately, that means separating emergency funding from the compliance requirements that come with Title I under the Every Student Succeeds Act. The authors go on to outline the steps states and districts should have to take to qualify for federal funds as well as how Congress can ensure that federal aid is used as intended.