Taking a Closer Look at the Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority Provision of ESSA | Understanding ESSA

Taking a Closer Look at the Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority Provision of ESSA

Taking a Closer Look at the Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority Provision of ESSA

October 14, 2019

In a two-part series for the Center for Assessment, Charlie DePascale takes a close look at the Innovative Assessment Demonstration Authority (IADA) provision of the Every Student Succeeds Act, which “ostensibly offers states the flexibility needed to ‘establish, operate, and evaluate an innovative assessment system’ with the goal of using that educational assessment to meet the ESSA academic assessment and statewide accountability system requirements.” In part one, DePascale examines the role of innovation in large-scale educational assessment, the role advancements in technology play, and the push-and-pull relationship between efficiency and validity. In part two, DePascale follows up his original post by taking a closer look at the realities of developing and implementing a process or product that changes large-scale assessment in a significant and meaningful way; in other words, an innovation.”