New Analysis Suggests That Districts Should Be Held Accountable For Student Learning Too | Understanding ESSA

New Analysis Suggests That Districts Should Be Held Accountable For Student Learning Too

New Analysis Suggests That Districts Should Be Held Accountable For Student Learning Too

July 13, 2020

Chad Aldeman of Bellwether Education Partners and Anne Hyslop of the Alliance for Excellent Education ask questions about the focus of accountability measures during and after the COVID-10 pandemic. If districts were, in most places, the entities setting up food distributions, purchasing Chromebooks, making decisions about wireless internet access, and online teaching protocols, why should accountability for student achievement fall squarely on the shoulders of individual schools? The two authors take a look at how accountability is set up under the Every Student Succeeds Act, describe how one of the largest districts in the nation is an example of increased district centralization, and urge readers to ask whether districts should bear more scrutiny than prior to the arrival of COVID-19.