New Mexico “Earns Praise” for School Improvement Plan | Understanding ESSA

New Mexico “Earns Praise” for School Improvement Plan

New Mexico “Earns Praise” for School Improvement Plan

December 2, 2018

Robert Nott reports for the Santa Fe New Mexican about how the state was given “high marks” for its school improvement plan under ESSA as part of the Collaborative’s Promise to Practice peer review project and report. Peer reviewers found a lot to like with New Mexico’s approach, such as “ funneling extra funding into low-performing public schools and closely monitoring them and evaluating improvement strategies proposed by school districts.” Promise to Practice peer reviewers also commended the state’s “web-based NM DASH (which stands for data, accountability, sustainability and high achievement), a program that offers a way for district officials to keep track of the progress of schools in need of extra support.”