Funding Provided Under ESSA, Local Initiative Provides Greater Access to Education | Understanding ESSA

Funding Provided Under ESSA, Local Initiative Provides Greater Access to Education

Funding Provided Under ESSA, Local Initiative Provides Greater Access to Education

January 14, 2020

Economically disadvantaged students in Klamath Falls City Schools in Oregon will now have access to new laptops in an effort to remove economic barriers to education that prevent low-income students from accessing the same opportunities. “Thanks to funds provided by Oregon Ballot Measure 98 and the federal Every Student Succeeds Success Act, 50 new Chromebook laptops with cellular internet connection…will [soon] be available for short- or long-term check-out.” According to Superintendent Paul Hillyer, the purchase will help “level the playing field for student success by narrowing the digital divide,” referring to the fact that “35% of lower-income households with school-age children do not have a broadband internet connection at home,” according to Pew Research Center data.