ESSA and SEL Go Hand-in-Hand to Improve Student Performance | Understanding ESSA

ESSA and SEL Go Hand-in-Hand to Improve Student Performance

ESSA and SEL Go Hand-in-Hand to Improve Student Performance

October 30, 2019

A recent Gallup article—based on 12 years of surveys and research—highlights the important link between ESSA’s accountability measures and student engagement, specifically factors related to social-emotional learning, which has become more of a priority in recent years. According to Gallup’s research, “the impact these foundational notions of student engagement and hope have on students and corresponding school outcomes is precisely the focus of the newly minted ESSA state, district and school report cards.” There are a variety of ways to impact student engagement and hope, but “ESSA and the SEL movements are steering the education system in a great direction, focusing education leaders’ and schools’ efforts where they should always be.”