U.S. Dept. of Education Provides Feedback to Delaware, Nevada and New Mexico | Understanding ESSA

U.S. Dept. of Education Provides Feedback to Delaware, Nevada and New Mexico

U.S. Dept. of Education Provides Feedback to Delaware, Nevada and New Mexico

June 13, 2017

According to Education Week, the U.S. Department of Education has given Delaware, Nevada, and New Mexico feedback on their plans, including a detailed list of information they need to provide to get their plans approved. Dale Chu, who is working with the Collaborative for Student Success and Bellwether Education Partners to review state plans, said he was pleased with the level of detail from the Department of Education. “The messaging that the states had been hearing up to the submission point was there was no reason a plan would not have been approved,” said Chu, who is the vice president for policy and operations at America Succeeds. But this early feedback “wasn’t as rubber stampy as folks might have thought it would be,” Chu added. He also thinks this may motivate states that have yet to submit ESSA plans to “erring more on the side of providing more clarity and completeness to their plans.” More information can also be found in Politico’s Morning Education newsletter. Want to be the first to receive information on the release of our peer review analysis? Sign up here