Senators Urge DOE to Expand Planned Analysis of Federal Education Spending | Understanding ESSA

Senators Urge DOE to Expand Planned Analysis of Federal Education Spending

Senators Urge DOE to Expand Planned Analysis of Federal Education Spending

February 6, 2020

In a letter to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, several members of the U.S. Senate urged the Department of Education to expand an analysis of federal K-12 education spending to “include dual and concurrent enrollment programs and early college high schools.” The group of lawmakers urged DOE to “look at utilization, outcomes and best practices of college in high school programs” and to “examine how school districts are using federal funding opportunities created by the Every Student Succeeds Act to support increasing student access to high-quality programs that promote academic success.” The letter emphasizes ESSA’s recognition of these programs and the role they play in preparing students for successful college experiences as well as future careers. Read the full letter.