NAE Launches ESSA-Focused Website | Understanding ESSA

NAE Launches ESSA-Focused Website

NAE Launches ESSA-Focused Website

October 14, 2016

The National Education Association launched their ESSA-focused website, aimed to help states “understand the opportunities presented under ESSA and how to take advantage of the flexibility the law offers.” NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia commented that the organization is taking a “leave no state behind” approach, urging states and stakeholders to “get this right at the beginning, or it’s very hard to undo something that’s done poorly.” The sites features an informational video on the importance of ESSA, and various resources including:

  1. Fact sheet
  2. Opportunity Dashboard Indicator
  3. Practice Guides
  4. Stakeholder engagement for families and community members
  5. Stakeholder engagement for educators
  6. Disabilities and Assessments
  7. State by State Updates