Ed Experts Voice Concerns about U.S. Dept. of Ed’s Feedback on States’ ESSA Plans | Understanding ESSA

Ed Experts Voice Concerns about U.S. Dept. of Ed’s Feedback on States’ ESSA Plans

Ed Experts Voice Concerns about U.S. Dept. of Ed’s Feedback on States’ ESSA Plans

July 7, 2017

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, “who made a career of promoting local control of education, has signaled a surprisingly hard-line approach to carrying out an expansive new federal education law, issuing critical feedback that has rattled state school chiefs and conservative education experts alike,” the New York Times reports. The Education Department’s “feedback to states about their plans to put” into effect the Every Student Succeeds Act “applied strict interpretations of statutes, required extensive detail and even deemed some state education goals lackluster.” Bellwether Education Partners’ Chad Aldeman “agreed that many state plans reflected ‘process without specificity’ when it came to the two most important parts of the new law — identifying how schools will account for the performance of all students, and how states plan to intervene in low-performing schools.”