The 74 Releases Informational Video About ESSA | Understanding ESSA

The 74 Releases Informational Video About ESSA

The 74 Releases Informational Video About ESSA

January 4, 2017

The 74 released an informational video on the “5 Things to Know About ESSA.” The video highlighted the following points:

  1. ESSA reduces federal authority over school decisions and gives it back to the states and local districts.
  2. States must still give standardized tests every year and report the results, including for specific groups like English-language learners.
  3. ESSA requires states to have challenging academic standards, but the federal government cannot dictate what those standards are.
  4. School accountability systems must now include a non-academic measure, like chronic absenteeism, in addition to statistic like test scores and graduation rates.
  5. ESSA requires states to intervene in their lowest-performing school districts.