New CAP Report Shares Guidelines for Designing School Classification Models | Understanding ESSA

New CAP Report Shares Guidelines for Designing School Classification Models

New CAP Report Shares Guidelines for Designing School Classification Models

March 3, 2017

The Center for American Progress released a report on designing accountability systems under ESSA. The report’s authors encourage states not to “just comply with ESSA,” but to “take advantage of the flexibility afforded by the law in order to develop classification systems that reflect their state vision for education and that meaningfully distinguish school performance in attaining that objective.” CAP explores three school classification models intended to “help states measure and rate school performance,” and recommends that any of the models:

  1. Provide useful, actionable information to educators;
  2. Provide districts and schools rich sets of additional data;
  3. Use multiple years of data; and
  4. Consider fluidity of design.