Are States Addressing Achievement Gaps in ESSA Plans? | Understanding ESSA

Are States Addressing Achievement Gaps in ESSA Plans?

Are States Addressing Achievement Gaps in ESSA Plans?

July 12, 2017

Noting that many state plans “show promise in terms of how states will identify and support struggling schools,” Cabinet Report’s Alisha Kirby focuses on the fact that, “no state has submitted a plan likely to close achievement gaps between subgroups.” States did well in many areas, but none was considered a “model state” that could “serve as an example of how to close these achievement gaps while maintaining high standards by defining subgroups, collecting relevant data and providing the resources for schools to help address the diverse needs of all students.” Erika McConduit, president of the Urban League of Louisiana and peer reviewer, noted, “This is where the rubber meets the road, and it’s the single biggest challenge in front of every state, and they’re still trying to figure it out.”