Postsecondary and College Enrollment Data Reporting Varies Greatly State to State | Understanding ESSA

Postsecondary and College Enrollment Data Reporting Varies Greatly State to State

Postsecondary and College Enrollment Data Reporting Varies Greatly State to State

March 30, 2020

Education Dive takes a closer look at which states are reporting college enrollment data and how they are reporting it. Under ESSA, states are encouraged to report college enrollment rates as one area of student performance. According to guidance provided by the Department of Education in 2019, “school report cards should include what students are doing after high school graduation ‘to the extent postsecondary enrollment data are available.’” That data should be “disaggregated by racial and ethnic subgroup” as well as whether students have a disability, are English language learners, or come from low-income families. Currently, 32 states provide postsecondary data, half of which disaggregate the data by at least one subgroup.