More States Holding Schools Accountable in ESSA Plans | Understanding ESSA

More States Holding Schools Accountable in ESSA Plans

More States Holding Schools Accountable in ESSA Plans

July 5, 2017

Bellwether Education Partners’ Chad Aldeman was featured on the Fordham Institute’s podcast The Education Gadly Show to discuss the recent review of state ESSA plans. Aldeman noted that the peer reviewers “found out that there are a lot of strengths and pros on how states are thinking about expanding the scope of the accountability system,” and that “states are doing a lot on indicators.” He also said he is “encouraged that all 17 states had some measure of student-level growth,” even though it’s not required. Aldeman considers this “a big strength, how states are thinking through the indicators to hold schools accountable.” Among the weaknesses Aldeman cited were how “states will incorporate student subgroups into their accountability system.”