Fordham Institute “Rates the Ratings” | Understanding ESSA

Fordham Institute “Rates the Ratings”

Fordham Institute “Rates the Ratings”

July 29, 2017

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute released a report on the 17 state ESSA plans that have been submitted to the Dept. of Education. The report examines the proposed rating systems and found that “in large part, states are doing a decent job in those areas and moving away from negative aspects of ESSA’s predecessor, the No Child Left Behind Act.” Fordham President Michael Petrilli and Editorial Director Brandon Wright examined three questions:

  1. How clear are school ratings are to parents, educators, and the general public?;
  2. Do the plans push schools to focus on all students, not just those furthest behind?; and
  3. Are schools are treated fairly, particularly those with a large share of students in poverty, and judged in part by academic growth, not just achievement?