Senior Fellow at Manhattan Institute Presents 5 Ways ESSA Can Help Students | Understanding ESSA

Senior Fellow at Manhattan Institute Presents 5 Ways ESSA Can Help Students

Senior Fellow at Manhattan Institute Presents 5 Ways ESSA Can Help Students

August 5, 2016

Max Eden, a senior fellow of education policy at the Manhattan Institute, wrote a guest blog for Education Week on what the “ESSA epoch” means for students. Noting that “education reform [has been] the civil rights struggle of our time,” Eden writes that “the passions of a generation to do good and noble work … [have] come at a cost.” Eden presents five ways ESSA can deliver for all students:

  1. Use Title I competitive grants to expand course access;
  2. Introduce school climate surveys;
  3. Measure excellence in addition to proficiency;
  4. Bust open the teacher pipeline to attract more talent; and
  5. Combine weighted student funding with public school choice.