Kangas: Don’t “Underestimate, Shortchange” English-Language Learners with Disabilities | Understanding ESSA

Kangas: Don’t “Underestimate, Shortchange” English-Language Learners with Disabilities

Kangas: Don’t “Underestimate, Shortchange” English-Language Learners with Disabilities

March 30, 2018

Corey Mitchell writes in Education Week about a seven-month ethnographic study conducted by Lehigh University Assistant Professor Sara Kangas, which found that some educators do not “prioritize language services for ELLs because they had low expectations for the students.” At the same time, many states “didn’t have exit criteria for English-language support programs for ELLs in special education,” but “that could change under the Every Student Succeeds Act, which requires states to provide a much clearer picture to the public on how English-learners are doing in schools.”