Ed Week Releases Message for School Officials | Understanding ESSA

Ed Week Releases Message for School Officials

Ed Week Releases Message for School Officials

September 24, 2017

Education Week’s Alyson Klein, Andrew Ujifusa, and Stephen Sawchuk have a message for school officials: “Get ready to figure out whether your students have a problem with chronic absenteeism. And while you’re at it, see if you’re getting them ready for college and the workplace.” Attendance, especially chronic absenteeism, and college-and-career readiness “are by far the most popular new areas of focus for accountability among the 40-plus states that have filed their plans to implement the Every Student Success Act.”  The authors note that at least “33 states are looking at chronic absenteeism or attendance in some form to hold schools accountable under the new law,” and “some states chose factors that are related to attendance.”
