Standards | Understanding ESSA - Part 2

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Chiefs for Change Looks at Curriculum Reform

Chiefs for Change released a report examining how ESSA “presents new opportunities for curriculum reform,” which can be a “powerful and underused driver of school improvement.” The report profiles work in Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, and Washington, D.C. to “create the conditions for aligned...

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Former Rep. Kline Discusses ESSA and Local Control

In The Hill, former Congressman and chair of the House Education Committee, John Kline, discussed how ESSA shifts “education authority and accountability out of Washington and back to the states, where it belongs.” He also cites Sec. DeVos’ recent comments that ESSA “essentially does away...

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New Coalition Formed to Advocate for Oregon Students

In a blog post, Stand for Children Oregon discussed their state’s ESSA plan and the coalition they formed to advocate for Oregon students. The coalition, which also included Latino Network, Unite Oregon, Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon, Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality, Children’s Institute and...

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MD Stakeholders Stress Importance of Consistency and Accountability

During a recent meeting as part of the Maryland Dept. of Education’s ESSA listening tour, stakeholders called for “consistency and ease of access to information” and “expressed interest in using additional indicators of success outside of academic standards.” Participants also suggested “investing in good leaders...

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Condoleezza Rice Gives ESSA Advice to Local Leaders

In an interview with The 74, Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, was asked about advice she would give to local leaders who are making decisions under ESSA. Rice encouraged states to set high standards for students and teachers and to give parents a choice....

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What Does ESSA Mean for School Testing?

A brief in the Wall Street Journal highlights what ESSA means for school testing, noting that under ESSA “states will set academic standards and determine consequences for not meeting them.” The article notes that NCLB was “blamed for ushering in a climate of overtesting” and...

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