Stakeholder Engagement | Understanding ESSA - Part 4

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INview Gives New Insights for Families Seeking School Information

Launched last month by the Indiana Department of Education, Indiana’s new data portal, INview, “aims to make it easier for families to access school information.” According to spokesperson Adam Baker, the site includes data not previously available, including “school and corporation level data on student...

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In-Depth Discussion Looking Back on Four Years of ESSA

On Tuesday, December 10, the Collaborative for Student Success is hosting an afternoon discussion of ESSA four years to the day after the law was signed. Taking place at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C., this special event will include a conversation with ESSA’s...

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ESSA as Reform Absent Repair?

ESSA “was designed to remedy the wrongs” of NCLB, Andrew Saultz, Jack Schneider, and Karalyn McGovern write in the Phi Delta Kappan. But the law has failed to live up to its promise. The trio argue that this is the result of the U.S. Department...

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ESSA’s Impact on State Assessment Landscape

State standardized testing is changing rapidly in the post-No Child Left Behind era. A new report, The New Testing Landscape: How State Assessments are Changing Under the Federal Every Student Succeeds Act, from FutureEd explores emerging trends, including the expanded use of college entrance exams for high...

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How States Evaluate Companies for School Turnaround Efforts

In EdWeek Market Brief, Michelle R. Davis explores how, almost four years after ESSA’s passage, the federal law’s evidence-based interventions requirements are upending the K-12 education marketplace. “Requirements that education companies show proof of the effectiveness of their products, services, and strategies are shifting how...

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