School-by-School Expenditures | Understanding ESSA

School-by-School Expenditures Tag

The Importance of School-Level Spending Data

“Thousands of administrators across the country have spent countless hours this summer attempting to rejigger their school finance software to determine how much money they spend on each individual school—a new reporting requirement under the Every Student Succeeds Act,” writes Daarel Burnette II in Education...

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Helping School Leaders Spend Wisely

In Education Next, Marguerite Roza, Director of the Edunomics Lab and a research professor at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, takes a look at education finance—and considers the question of why most people “jump to the revenue side of the equation”? The “spending...

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Upcoming Financial Transparency Webinar

On April 4, at 2:00 pm ET, Georgetown University’s Edunomics Lab will host an interactive webinar—”Taking stock in ESSA’s school-by-school financial requirement as SEAs begin releasing data”—which will review ESSA’s financial reporting requirement as states release initial school-by-school expenditures. The webinar will also explore “how leading...

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