Low-Income Students | Understanding ESSA - Part 4

Low-Income Students Tag

Using ESSA to Successfully Educate Children in Poverty

In a Huffington Post blog, Mark Elgart, president and CEO of AdvancED, raised concern over the election aftermath and the future of ESSA. Elgart argued that many state plans are still being developed and “continue to focus on maintaining a compliance regulatory function of accountability”...

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Can ESSA Help Improve Homeless Student’s Learning Experiences?

In a recent interview with City Lab, Barbara Duffield, the director of policy and programs for the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, discussed her belief that ESSA can help improve homeless student’s learning experiences. ESSA creates new provisions so that...

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States Use ESSA to Push Under-performing Schools

FOX News contributor Juan Williams writes in the Wall Street Journal that ESSA gives states the ability to hold schools accountable for their failures educating minority students. Noting that drop-out rates for African-American and Hispanic students are down, Williams says states can use ESSA to...

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Brookings Report Looks at Low-Income Students and Impact of ESSA

According to a new Brookings Institution report, the impact of ESSA on low-income students is still unknown. The Dept. of Education has not released official guidelines on how states should track student subgroups, including those from low-income families. Traditionally, states have measured this by the...

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Senate HELP Committee Holds Hearing on ESSA Implementation

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions held a full committee hearing on ESSA titled “ESSA Implementation: Update from the U.S. Secretary of Education on Proposed Regulations.” During the hearing, King heard criticism from several senators: Chris Murphy (D-CT) argued that “the acccountability...

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New Changes Under ESSA

According to Education Week, ESSA may make it more difficult for school districts to help low-income students pay for Advanced Placement exams. Right now, the “Advanced Placement Test Fee Program” receives $28.5 million annually from the federal government. Next year, the program will be rolled...

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Politics K-12 Survey on “Super Subgroups”

The Politics K-12 Team at Education Week surveyed all 50 states regarding their use of “super subgroups” in their NCLB waivers that “can no longer be used in place of individual subgroups of student for accountability purposes” under ESSA. The super subgroups combined smaller subgroups...

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