Low-Income Students | Understanding ESSA - Part 3

Low-Income Students Tag

“Is Geography Destiny?”

In this Education Week piece, Andrew Ujifusa takes a look at the sensitive issues of socioeconomic factors, geographic location, and education quality. Of course, school funding mechanisms are a vital component of these interconnected issues, as “state and local funding each typically make up about...

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GA Identifies Struggling Schools

Ty Tagami reports for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Georgia’s Department of Education has released its first list of schools “in need of additional support.” These 103 schools officially fall into the state’s Comprehensive Support & Improvement category, which is “derived from the College and Career Ready Performance Index,...

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Guns and Equity Dominate Senate ESSA Hearing

On September 25, the Senate HELP Committee held a hearing to garner state perspectives on ESSA implementation. The hearing featured education chiefs from Nebraska (Matthew Blomstedt), Delaware (Susan Bunting), and South Carolina (Molly Spearman), as well as the president of Democrats for Education Reform Shavar...

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ESSA Helping Schools, Families Connect

Education Week’s Francisco Vara-Orta writes that students do better when they have engaged parents (or other adults) to not only help with homework, but also serve as their advocate with educators. But for parents with multiple jobs, whose English language skills are limited, or who...

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ESSA and Election 2018

Andrew Ujifusa reports for Education Week that, if Democrats win back control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November, “expect civil rights to grab the spotlight and for congressional subpoenas in the name of education oversight to become more popular,” particularly through the lens of...

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Ditching Subsidized Lunch as Student Poverty Metric?

Until recently, economically disadvantaged students have generally been identified by their eligibility for the federal free or reduced-price lunch (FRL) program. But increasing numbers of schools providing free lunch to all under “community eligibility” provisions, can present a challenge for states as they “implement new school accountability...

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Accountability Measures to Serve All Students

Writing in the Columbus Dispatch, Ashland University President Carlos Campo says he is proud of the steps Ohio is taking to make sure high school graduates are college- and career-ready, including provisions in the state’s ESSA plan, in which he says education officials took the...

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TX Submits ESSA Plan

The Texas Education Agency submitted its ESSA plan to the U.S. Department of Education. Belton Independent School District Superintendent Susan Kincannon expressed her concern about some aspects of the plan. “The (ESSA) plan includes an overly complicated methodology for evaluating and rating schools and continues...

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