Foster Children | Understanding ESSA - Part 2

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CO Schools, Activists Sue Over Foster Care Student Transport Law

Six school districts, two associations, and two individuals are “pushing back against a new state law aimed at improving school transportation for students in foster care,” Christie Renick reports for the Chronicle of Social Change. This law (HB 18-1306)—which helps Colorado comply with ESSA’s foster youth transportation provision—allocates nearly...

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Colorado On Track to be First to Fulfill Foster Youth Ride Provision

Chronicle of Social Change’s Christie Renick writes that the Colorado legislature is considering a $2.9 million bill “aimed at improving the educational success of students who are foster youths.” If signed into law, Colorado will be the first state to officially implement a program that conforms to...

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Brookings Report Looks at Low-Income Students and Impact of ESSA

According to a new Brookings Institution report, the impact of ESSA on low-income students is still unknown. The Dept. of Education has not released official guidelines on how states should track student subgroups, including those from low-income families. Traditionally, states have measured this by the...

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Ed Week Examines the Effect ESSA will Have on Foster Kids

Education Week reports on the effect ESSA will have on foster kids, noting that while the new law will break out student-outcome data for this group (i.e. test scores and graduation rates) and keep them in their “school of origin,” there are still many unanswered...

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