Congress | Understanding ESSA - Part 4

Congress Tag

Presidential 2020 Ed-Election Primer

Education Week’s Alyson Klein writes in that, while she knows we are all “bummed” the midterm elections are over, we should fear not—the 2020 presidential election is “right around the corner.” Klein says there is a “good chance that education could be a higher-profile-than-usual issue...

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New Governors & the Impact on ESSA, Education

Klein reports in Education Week about the 17 new governors elected last week. She writes how, “thanks in part to the Every Student Succeeds Act and U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ efforts to shrink the U.S. Department of Education, governors will have even more say...

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Education-Election Questions Answered

“Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard that the 2018 election” is today, Alyson Klein reports for Education Week. “So what are the big issues? Which state races should you be paying attention to? What about congressional races? And what will the...

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Guns and Equity Dominate Senate ESSA Hearing

On September 25, the Senate HELP Committee held a hearing to garner state perspectives on ESSA implementation. The hearing featured education chiefs from Nebraska (Matthew Blomstedt), Delaware (Susan Bunting), and South Carolina (Molly Spearman), as well as the president of Democrats for Education Reform Shavar...

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States, ESSA, and Mental Health

As part of the Education Week’s ongoing “Answering Your ESSA Questions“series: “How does ESSA handle mental health in schools?,” Klein notes that there “aren’t any explicit requirements that states include mental health in their ESSA plans.” But “this doesn’t mean states aren’t taking mental health...

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Educators to Congress—No Federal Cash to Arm Teachers

Alyson Klein reports for Education Week that more than a dozen educator groups have sent a letter to Congress to make it “crystal clear that states and districts can’t spend money from Title IV of the Every Student Succeeds Act on guns for school staff.”

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ESSA and Election 2018

Andrew Ujifusa reports for Education Week that, if Democrats win back control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November, “expect civil rights to grab the spotlight and for congressional subpoenas in the name of education oversight to become more popular,” particularly through the lens of...

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Democrats Try to Block Gun Funding Via Spending Bill

Andrew Ujifusa reports in Education Week that “Democrats on Capitol Hill are using just about every tool they can think of to try to stop Every Student Succeeds Act money from being used by schools to purchase firearms.” On September 7, “two top Democrats on...

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