College and Career-Readiness | Understanding ESSA - Part 6

College and Career-Readiness Tag

Oklahoma’s School Report Cards Have “New Focus”

Jennifer Palmer reports for the Enid News & Eagle that after “a two-year hiatus,” Oklahoma’s school report cards are back. But now they have a new focus: “The school accountability tool underwent a significant revamp” under ESSA “and now will include student test scores, a...

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GA Identifies Struggling Schools

Ty Tagami reports for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Georgia’s Department of Education has released its first list of schools “in need of additional support.” These 103 schools officially fall into the state’s Comprehensive Support & Improvement category, which is “derived from the College and Career Ready Performance Index,...

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ESSA & Tracking College-and-Career Readiness

Alyson Klein answers more questions as part of Education Week’s “Answering Your ESSA Questions” series. This week, Harvard University graduate student Alex Sabin asks: “An ESSA accountability system can include a school success ‘measure’ outside of test scores such as college-and-career readiness. However, what exactly...

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How Will States Spend “Boost” in Academic Enrichment Grants

Klein reports on how ESSA’s Academic Enrichment Grants (aka, Title IV) just “got a huge boost” from $400 million to $1.1 billion. So, “what are districts going to do with those grants?” According to an Education Week Research Center survey, while there are some “regional differences”...

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North Dakota Looking to Expand on ESSA

According to KFYR TV, North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction is looking to expand its ESSA work. As part of its initial plan, the DPI “created an online data base and the Choice Ready program, which gets students ready for college, work or military after...

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State Officials Announce Delay in School Reports

According to Shelly Conlon of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, the state’s annual school report cards won’t be released until November because of a “number of new items” added under ESSA. This includes “information on how many students go on to college, discipline numbers and...

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NY District Uses ESSA to Create “Academy of Excellence” 

According to Tom Dinki at the Olean Times Herald, the Olean City School District in New York wants more of its students to be “halfway toward earning their college diploma by the time they graduate high school,” so the district is developing an “Academy of Excellence,” which...

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CAP “Blueprint” for Alternative High Schools and Accountability

This month, the Center for American Progress released a report that provides recommendations that aim to improve stakeholders’ “ability to conduct much-needed investigation into the experience of students in alternative schools, while striking a balance between accurate measurement and rigorous expectations.” ESSA “requires that proficiency...

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Tough Proficiency Standards Sticking Under ESSA?

Kevin Mahnken reports for The 74 on the findings of a new study from Education Next Editor and Harvard professor Paul Peterson and Harvard postdoctoral fellow Daniel Hamlin, which finds that “proficiency standards on state tests have grown more stringent over the past few years,...

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