Absenteeism | Understanding ESSA - Part 4

Absenteeism Tag

Combatting Attendance Gaming and Mistakes Under ESSA

Taylor Swaak reports for The 74 that “tackling chronic absenteeism is now part of education plans under the Every Student Succeeds Act for 36 states and Washington, D.C.” She also reports that the “resulting requirements are also new, with many states crafting uniform definitions for...

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Attendance Works on ESSA and Fighting Chronic Absenteeism

This new report from Attendance Works says that the inclusion of chronic absence in ESSA “was a watershed moment that made this metric an integral component of efforts to help students succeed in school and later in life.” It examines the “scale, scope and concentration of chronic...

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Partnering with Parents to Combat Chronic Absenteeism

According to Stacy Teicher Khadaroo at the Christian Science Monitor, chronic absenteeism is a “stubborn problem,” and schools are always looking out for solutions—especially now, because states are required to publicly report chronic absenteeism under ESSA, and “35 states plus the District of Columbia have...

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Importance of Chronic Absenteeism Demonstrated by ESSA

Taylor Swaak writes in The 74 that the issue of chronic absenteeism “has festered into what the U.S. Department of Education has branded a national crisis,” as evidenced by the fact that 36 states and DC included chronic absenteeism in their ESSA accountability plans.

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Arkansas to Focus on Homeless Students

Ginny Monk reports for Arkansas Online that state education officials who work with homeless children say Arkansas’ ESSA plan—which “will rank schools on a variety of factors, including absenteeism”—will “help identify needs and keep more students in school,” including children without stable housing, who “are...

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Letters Home Key to Reducing Chronic Absenteeism?

Kate Stringer reports for The 74 that families “can drastically underestimate how often their children miss school,” but according to new research, when “parents are given accurate information about their children’s absences,” they “can become valuable players in making sure their kids show up at school.”...

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Reducing Chronic Absenteeism Under ESSA

A new strategy paper from the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project—Reducing chronic absenteeism under the Every Student Succeeds Act—reviews “the literature and present novel analyses of the factors at the school and student levels that relate to chronic absenteeism,” and finds “that health problems and socioeconomic...

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