Dept. of Education Releases Guidelines on ESSA Provisions for Foster Children | Understanding ESSA

Dept. of Education Releases Guidelines on ESSA Provisions for Foster Children

Dept. of Education Releases Guidelines on ESSA Provisions for Foster Children

June 23, 2016

The Dept. of Education released new guidelines to states, school districts, and child welfare agencies on ESSA’s provisions for foster children. The Dept. noted that the guidance “doesn’t impose any new requirements beyond those in the law and regulations, provides clarity in the form of detailed frequently asked questions and answers.” The Dept. of Education has partnered with the Dept. of Health and Human Services to develop these guidelines after hosting “over 200 meetings with stakeholders from across the country.” The guidelines touch on the new educational stability requirements, minimizing school transfers, dispute resolution, transportation protocols, transference and protection of student data, points of contact for agencies, and best practice recommendations.