Florida, Fed Impasse Could Cost Sunshine State $1.1 Billion | Understanding ESSA

Florida, Fed Impasse Could Cost Sunshine State $1.1 Billion

Florida, Fed Impasse Could Cost Sunshine State $1.1 Billion

July 23, 2018

Daarel Burnette II at Education Week takes a look at ESSA and Florida—the only state still awaiting federal approval for its accountability plan. “We’re still working with the feds,” Cheryl Etters, a spokeswoman for the state’s department of education told Education Week. “As soon as we have something to share, I’ll be glad to let you know.” But with ESSA “set to go into full effect this fall, advocates for the state’s large black and Latino community are worried that the state’s plan could be rejected in the weeks before school is set to open.” And without approval, Florida “faces several sanctions,” including potentially the feds withholding more than a billion dollars in funding.