Michigan | Understanding ESSA - Part 3


MI’s ESSA Plan Lacks Clarity and Detail, According to Peer Review

In Bellwether and the Collaborative’s peer review, experts found that Michigan’s plan lacked both clarity and detail. Michigan education officials responded to the review and shared their commitment to improving their state’s ESSA plan, saying “We stand by to answer any questions the U.S. Department...

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MI Lt. Governor Requests ESSA Plan Be Sent Back to Officials

Michigan Lt. Governor Brian Calley wrote the U.S. Dept. of Education requesting that the state’s ESSA plan be sent back so officials can “rework [the] plan in order to ensure more accountability for special education students.” In the letter, Calley argued that the state’s “proposed...

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MI Submits ESSA Plan to Dept. of Ed

Michigan submitted its ESSA plan to the Dept. of Education. In his letter, Gov. Rick Snyder criticized the plan’s inclusion of an n-size of 30, noting that it would “leave out many students who deserve transparency and accountability just as much as every other student.”...

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Concerns Raised over Michigan’s Proposed ESSA Plan

In an opinion piece, Michael J. Petrilli and Brandon L. Wright of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute raised concerns over the Michigan’s proposed ESSA plan. Petrilli and Wright argued that the state’s plan “to hold schools accountable for student outcomes fails to meet the educational...

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Ed Trust-Midwest Gives Michigan’s Draft ESSA Plan “High Marks”

In an interview about their analysis of Michigan’s draft ESSA plan, Education Trust-Midwest Executive Director Amber Arellano gave the plan “high marks” and said its “focus on raising performance standards for teaching and learning will help Michigan catch up with states like Massachusetts, which has some...

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