Federal Round-Up | Understanding ESSA - Part 8

Federal Round-Up

Democrats Try to Block Gun Funding Via Spending Bill

Andrew Ujifusa reports in Education Week that “Democrats on Capitol Hill are using just about every tool they can think of to try to stop Every Student Succeeds Act money from being used by schools to purchase firearms.” On September 7, “two top Democrats on...

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Democrats Not Loving Idea of Arming Teachers

Prior to DeVos’ statement, Mike Lillis reported in The Hill that Democrats in the House of Representatives “are pressing Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to scrap any plans to promote the arming of teachers in the name of protecting students.” In a letter signed by nearly every member of the House Democratic...

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Using ESSA to Arm Educators?

Erica L. Green reports for the New York Times that the U.S. Department of Education has been “considering whether to allow states to use federal funding to purchase guns for educators.” Green reports that the federal agency is “eyeing” ESSA’s Student Support and Academic Enrichment...

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Senator Kaine Introduces Bill to Help Fix Teacher, Principal Shortage

According to Andrew Ujifusa at Education Week, last week, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) introduced the Preparing and Retaining Education Professionals (PREP) Act, which “aims to address both teacher and principal shortages by broadening the definition of a high-need district under the Every Student Succeeds Act to...

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The Youth Mental Health Services Act and ESSA

U.S. Rep. Phil Roe writes in the Greeneville Sun that, in an effort to combat suicide among children and teens, he has introduced bipartisan legislation with Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) called the Youth Mental Services Act, which “takes an existing grant program authorized under the...

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States “Line Up” for Fed Preschool Grants

Politico’s Mel Leonor reports for that a “federal grant program aimed at helping states boost their preschool offerings will make its debut next month—when states can begin vying for a piece of the $250 million pot.” Under ESSA, the Preschool Development Grants program “is meant...

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Pilots for Puerto Rico

The US Department of Education announced “Puerto Rico as the first state to pilot a new student-centered funding system under ESSA.” Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos stated, “Puerto Rico’s use of a student-centered funding system will help to ensure those with the greatest need receive...

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