Federal Round-Up | Understanding ESSA - Part 7

Federal Round-Up

Election 2018, the U.S. Senate, and ESSA

In Education Week, Alyson Klein takes a look at the close battle for control of the U.S. Senate in the 2018 election, how education is playing a part as an important election year issue, and provides a “quick guide to where candidates in tough races...

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Feds Give Green Light to Florida ESSA Plan

Education Week’s Alyson Klein declares, “It’s official.” After a long and at times contentious process, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has (finally) given Florida’s ESSA plan the thumbs up. That means all state plans (as well as those from Puerto Rico and DC) are now approved....

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Guns and Equity Dominate Senate ESSA Hearing

On September 25, the Senate HELP Committee held a hearing to garner state perspectives on ESSA implementation. The hearing featured education chiefs from Nebraska (Matthew Blomstedt), Delaware (Susan Bunting), and South Carolina (Molly Spearman), as well as the president of Democrats for Education Reform Shavar...

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DeVos Reopens Innovative Assessment Pilot Application Process

Education Week’s Klein reports that the U.S. Dept. of Education “is inviting more state applications” for ESSA’s Innovative Assessment Pilot, “which allows states to try out new types of tests in a handful of districts before taking them statewide.” States need to inform federal officials of...

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Educators to Congress—No Federal Cash to Arm Teachers

Alyson Klein reports for Education Week that more than a dozen educator groups have sent a letter to Congress to make it “crystal clear that states and districts can’t spend money from Title IV of the Every Student Succeeds Act on guns for school staff.”

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ESSA and Election 2018

Andrew Ujifusa reports for Education Week that, if Democrats win back control of the U.S. House of Representatives in November, “expect civil rights to grab the spotlight and for congressional subpoenas in the name of education oversight to become more popular,” particularly through the lens of...

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