Events and Webinars | Understanding ESSA - Part 3

Events and Webinars

iNACOL Webinar on Nov 9 To Cover Personalized Learning Under ESSA

The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) will host a webinar on November 9 from 2:00pm to 3:00 pm EST regarding opportunities for personalized learning under ESSA. The organization will also discuss an upcoming report on recommendations for lawmakers to support the “transformation of...

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WY Dept. of Education Begins Statewide Listening Tour

The Wyoming Dept. of Education is beginning its statewide listening tour and published an online survey to continue stakeholder engagement on the implementation of ESSA in Wyoming. “This really is an effort to continue the stakeholder engagement we began this summer with the virtual town...

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NEA Webinar Profiles Educator-Led Approaches to ESSA Implementation

The National Education Association hosted a webinar with the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development on ESSA implementation. NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia argued that educators not only “have the opportunity” to make changes under ESSA, but they also “have the responsibility” to work together...

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Local Superintendent Discusses ESSA Implications

Topeka Superintendent Tiffany Anderson discussed the implications of ESSA during a webinar sponsored by the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Schott Foundation for Public Education. She argued that, “it’s now about preparing kids for college and not just taking a test. We’re about serving the whole kid. ESSA...

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NASSP Hosts Webinar on Student Engagement and School Environments

The National Association of Secondary School Principals hosted a webinar focused on ESSA and student engagement. The session provided insight for viewers into how education leaders and students “can work together” to ensure ESSA “meets the specific needs of their community.” The webinar also explained...

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Dept. of Education Releases ESSA Resource Site

The Dept. of Education compiled the history, available resources, proposed regulations, guidance and regulatory information, public notice, and negotiated rulemaking on ESSA on their website. The Dept. highlights that “The new law builds on key areas of progress in recent years, made possible by the...

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Ed Week Evaluates How ESSA will Affect the Education Industry

As part of the Inside ESSA Webinar Series, Education Week will be hosting an online forum discussing the implications of ESSA’s implementation on education companies. The webinar will delve into how the law is being implemented and how it affects organizations working in the education...

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