Dept of Education | Understanding ESSA - Part 8

Dept of Education

DeVos Approves Three More State Plans

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has approved three more ESSA plans—Alabama, Colorado, and Kentucky. To date, the Department has approved 42 plans (plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico), while still leaving some “big population centers, including Florida and California” waiting for approval.

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DeVos ❤️ School Choice, but No Love for Choice in State Plans

Alyson Klein asks, has U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos being “a big cheerleader for school choice,” and the fact that some states have been “adopting tax-credit scholarships, education savings accounts,” and more, “translated into a big bonanza for school choice” in state ESSA plans?...

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Feds Talk Portfolio Assessments for Students with Disabilities

Christina Samuels reports for Education Week that the U.S. Department of Education “has started informing a small group of states that they will have to make changes to the way they test students with severe cognitive disabilities” due to “accountability changes” under ESSA. Students “with the...

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DeVos Double Standard When it Comes to Local Leaders?

Anne Hyslop examines the disconnect between U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ sharp criticism of state ESSA plans when speaking to the Council of Chief State School Officers and her other comments on local control. With a “cacophony of opinions on the topic, “it’s easy to...

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You can’t always get what you want…or what you need

Erica L. Green writes in the New York Times that, after Secretary DeVos’ speech to state chiefs last week, “policy experts and observers” have called the speech the “ultimate display of a frustrated federalist,” and an “example of a self-described education reformer wrestling with the limits of her influence...

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