Debate Continues over Proposed “Supplement, Not Supplant” Regulations | Understanding ESSA

Debate Continues over Proposed “Supplement, Not Supplant” Regulations

Debate Continues over Proposed “Supplement, Not Supplant” Regulations

September 2, 2016

Max Eden, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, argues that the Dept. of Education’s proposed “supplement, not supplant” regulations contradict the intentions of ESSA in a blog published by The Hill. Eden says the funding provisions will harm the education system by “disrupting school district operations, paralyzing state education policy, and rupturing national education politics.” The piece also raises concerns over potential legal issues schools may face if the funding rules are implemented but states choose to challenge them in court. Eden writes that any form of “pending litigation” can greatly effect “innovative planning and decision-making that ESSA was intended to promote.”