Results for America Analyzes ESSA plans | Understanding ESSA

Results for America Analyzes ESSA plans

Results for America Analyzes ESSA plans

July 18, 2017

Results for America analyzed the 17 submitted ESSA plans to examine how states are using “evidence, evaluation, and continuous improvement” opportunities. The group was “encouraged” by state’s efforts to improve student outcomes, but also noted several “gaps that deserve further attention.”  The report found three key findings:

  1. Sixteen states included at least one promising practice for building and using evidence to improve student outcomes;
  2. Eight states included the largest number of promising practices: New Mexico, Connecticut, Tennessee, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Colorado, and Oregon; and
  3. Unfortunately, only four states emphasize the role of evidence-based approaches outside of school improvement (e.g., ESSA Title II and Title IV); only five states pledge to conduct evaluations to build the evidence base further; and only nine states highlight the use of evidence when reviewing and approving school improvement funding applications.