New York State Encourages School Districts to Make AP Courses More Diverse | Understanding ESSA

New York State Encourages School Districts to Make AP Courses More Diverse

New York State Encourages School Districts to Make AP Courses More Diverse

November 21, 2019

Education officials in New York State are “pushing school districts to make Advanced Placement and other top courses more widely available to all high school students, particularly African-American and Hispanic students, as part of an ongoing emphasis on promoting educational equity across New York,” reports  Sophie Grosserode for the Poughkeepsie Journal. New guidelines released by the state are aimed at helping districts expand access to higher-level courses by raising awareness of their availability, removing enrollment barriers, and giving all students the proper support. While districts are not required to comply with these recommendations, under the state’s plan to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act, “the Education Department will evaluate school districts based on more measures than in the past, including how widely available districts make advanced courses to all students.”