Washington Examiner Explores Dispute Between Secretary King and Senator Alexander | Understanding ESSA

Washington Examiner Explores Dispute Between Secretary King and Senator Alexander

Washington Examiner Explores Dispute Between Secretary King and Senator Alexander

May 23, 2016

A Washington Examiner story explores the ongoing dispute between Sec. King and Chairman Alexander. According to the account, the Republicans believe “the [Dept. of Education] is trying to reassert federal control by exceeding its authority with a rule that would require state and local spending in low-income schools receiving Title I funds to be equal or greater than non-Title I schools…and force schools to include teacher salaries when measuring spending between Title I and non-Title I schools…” At the same time, the story notes that “King is facing pressure from civil rights groups who want to ensure the new education law does not deprive low-income students of equal funding.” Read more here.